File No. 4500.

Chargé Coolidge to the Secretary of State.

No. 795.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 781, of November 12,a with regard to the stationing of coaling vessels at Magdalena Bay, I have the honor to inclose a copy of a note from the foreign office in reply to the offer of reciprocity and to confirm my telegram of the 18th thereon, as follows:a

I have, etc.,

John Gardner Coolidge.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mexico to Chargé Coolidge.

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: I have received your note, dated the 9th instant, in which you acknowledge the receipt of mine of the 4th, in which, acceding to the request of your Government, I advised you concerning that which Mexico considers reciprocity in regard to the permission for the stay of two coaling barges in Magdalena Bay, destined to supply the American squadron.

You have kindly expressed your acceptance of the understanding of the Mexican Government about reciprocity, as also that the American Government is disposed to grant permission to Mexican men of war and other vessels to anchor or take coal in American ports, and you close your note by saying that with reference to coaling, the laws of the United States permit the same to all foreign vessels, this being the practice constantly, observed by the United States.

The above assertion from you compels me to make an explanation, which I consider in every sense necessary.

In the same manner that the United States does, Mexico grants to all kinds of vessels in times of peace to anchor and take coal within Mexican waters, receiving them with the usual courtesy, permitting men of war to remain stationed in Mexican waters only during a short period of time, while the anchorage of the American coaling barges will be permanent during a period of three years, according to the communication relative to the matter addressed by the Executive to the Senate of Mexico, concerning which I had the honor to inform the embassy in my note of October 25 last.

Therefore, I beg you to kindly advise me if the intention of your Government regarding reciprocity for the supply of Mexican war vessels is that they can remain stationed in American waters during the same period of three years, or only during the time ordinarily granted to all other foreign vessels.

I consider your reply indispensable in order to act in accordance with the decision of the Senate, and I renew, etc.

Igno. Mariscal.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.