File No. 836/63–64.
Chargé Lorillard to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Petropolis, January 30,
No. 102.]
Sir: In continuation of my No. 96, of January
14 last, relative to the complaint of Messrs. Forster & Co., of
Pernambuco, that American flour was not accorded the 20 per cent tariff
reduction as authorized by Congress and my actions thereon resulting in
the decree of January 10 last, I have now the honor to inclose herewith
a copy and a translation of a note from the foreign office, dated the
28th instant, whereby it appears that, as my telegram of protest was
brought to the knowledge of the ministry of finance, the various customs
authorities were instructed by telegraph to continue the rebate of 20
per cent on certain American articles during the whole of the present
year, and that the customs delegate at Pernambuco has been directed to
return the additional duties collected on American flour during the
period extending from January 1 to January 17 last.
I have so informed the consul at Pernambuco.
I have, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Chargé Lorillard.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Rio de Janeiro, January 28, 1907.
Mr. Chargé d’affaires: Having brought to
the knowledge of the ministry of finance the telegram which you sent
me on the 8th instant relative to the refusal of the customs-house
of Pernambuco to concede the reduction of 20 per cent in the
dispatch of American flour, I have just been informed by it that, by
a telegram of the 17th instant, the customs delegates were
instructed to obey decree No. 6317, of the 13th instant, extending
during the present year the favor conceded by No. 6079, of June 30,
1906, to various articles of an American source.
In addition, the same ministry has already authorized the customs
delegate of Pernambuco to cause to be refunded the surplus duties
collected, at the respective custom-house, during the time when the
fulfillment of said decree 6079 ceased and that when the one of No.
6317 came into force.
I take advantage of the occasion, etc.,