Conditions in Crete
[466] Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Athens, December 4, 1906.
Athens, December 4, 1906.
File No. 871/5–6.
[467] Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Athens, December 15, 1906.
Athens, December 15, 1906.
File No. 871/7.
[468] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Jackson.
Department of State,
Washington, January 9, 1907.
Washington, January 9, 1907.
File No. 871/5–6.
[469] Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Athens, February 22, 1907.
Athens, February 22, 1907.
File No. 871/9.