- Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany, signed at
Washington, April 22, 1907; at Levico, May 2, 1907 (Documents 339–341)
- Application to other countries of the administrative provisions of the
commercial agreement between the United States and Germany (Documents 342–375)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 342–350)
- France (Documents 351–354)
- Great Britain (Documents 355–368)
- Italy (Documents 369–371)
- Switzerland (Documents 372–375)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 342–350)
- Interpretation of the word “champagne” as used in the commercial agreement
between the United States and Germany (Documents 376–377)
- Extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the
United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine (Documents 378–379)
- Military service case of Henry Schultheis (Documents 380–381)
- Citizenship of persons born in the United States of German parents and
living in Germany (Documents 382–383)
- Punishment for crime committed before, and not mentioned in, extradition
proceedings (Documents 384–385)
- Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory (Documents 386–388)
- Military service case of George Ahl (Documents 389–390)
- Diplomatic immunities of an ambassador’s household (Documents 391–392)