File No. 7775/–1.

Minister Wilson to the Secretary of State.

No. 196.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit for the information of the department a duplicate copy of a convention, recently concluded between the Kingdoms of Belgium and Great Britain, which is an addition to the extradition treaty of October 29, 1901.

I have, etc.,

Henry Lane Wilson.

The Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians and the Government of His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India, having deemed it necessary to complete Article XIV of the treaty of extradition between Belgium and Great Britain of the 29th October, 1901, relative to the application of the stipulations of the treaty to the extra-European colonies and foreign possessions of the two States, the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect by their respective Governments, have agreed as follows:

Article I.

In the relations of each of the high contracting parties with the extra-European colonies and foreign possessions of the other the periods fixed by Articles IV, paragraph 1, and V of the treaty of the 29th October, 1901, shall be extended as follows:

1. A fugitive criminal arrested under the terms of Article IV shall be discharged in the dominions of His Britannic Majesty if, within the period of two months from the date of the arrest, a request for his extradition shall not have been made by the government of the requisitioning state.

The fugitive criminal may be discharged in the dominions of His Majesty the King of the Belgians if within the same period a request for his extradition has not been made by the government of the requisitioning state; he shall be released if within seven days following the expiration of this period the warrant issued by the competent authority shall not have been communicated to the fugitive criminal.

2. The person arrested shall be set at liberty if, within the three months, counting from the date of arrest, sufficient evidence in support of the demand for extradition shall not have been produced.

Article II.

The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible. It shall come into force ten days after its publication, in conformity with the laws of the high contracting parties, and it shall have the same force and duration as the treaty of extradition to which it relates.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present convention, and have affixed their seals thereto.

[l. s.]
E. Grey.

[l. s.]