File No. 871/9.

Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.

No. 508 Greek Series.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 483, of December 15 last, I have the honor to report that the Cretan National Assembly met yesterday to receive the announcement of the high commissioner to the effect that the new constitution had been approved by the protecting powers. Mr. Zaimis thereupon took the required oath of office and the assembly adjourned. It is understood that the Cretan cabinet will now resign and that a provisional ministry will be formed to carry on the Government until after the elections, which are to take place in May, and the meeting of the assembly—elected under the new constitution—on July 14, old style.

For the present quiet prevails in the island, and the process of assimilating it to the Kingdom of Greece is steadily going on. The gendarmerie seems to be doing satisfactorily under its Greek officers, and recently three Greek judges were appointed to the Cretan “Cour d’Appel.”

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.