File No. 5727/89.
The British Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State.
Intervale, N. H., July 20, 1907.
Sir: In my note of the 3d instant I had the honor to recommend to the United States Government certain British chambers of commerce as qualified for the purposes of issuing certificates of value under paragraph F of the note annexed to the agreement between the United States and Germany. These chambers of commerce were those of London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff, Bradford, Belfast, Glasgow, and Dundee; and their qualifications have now been recognized in your note No. 108 of July 10.
I am now instructed to inform you that the following chambers have also been accepted by the board of trade as competent for this purpose, viz, Leeds, Hull, Edinburgh, Dublin, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Huddersfield, Nottingham, Sheffield, Bristol. I have, therefore, to ask that your department will be so good as to inform the competent authorities that certificates of value issued by chambers of commerce in this supplementary list be accepted on an equal footing with those of the chambers originally enumerated.
I have, etc.,