File No. 5727/151.
The Ambassador of Austria-Hungary to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 13, 1907.
Excellency: I am informed by the imperial and royal foreign office that the consulate of the United States at Vienna is not yet aware that the provisions in Point F of the annex to the commercial agreement concluded between the United States and German Empire concerning certificates of value of merchandise issued by the German chambers of commerce have been extended to the Austrian chambers of commerce and industry.
The issuance of certificates of export values as provided in Point F of the above-mentioned agreement is made difficult for the chambers of commerce and industry, in that the said certificates must be inseparably attached to the invoices presented for certification at the consulate, but when so attached as required for the purposes of recognition they are not accepted by the consulates of the United States.
[Page 492]I therefore have the honor, by direction of my Government, respectfully to ask that Your Excellency will kindly take the requisite steps to have the American consuls in Austria and Hungary officially advised of the concessions which form the subject of your valued notes of September 3, No. 274, and of September 24, No. 279, and also of the contents of the Treasury Decisions Nos. 28400 and 28420, therein referred to.
Accept, etc.