File No. 4286/–1.

Ambassador McCormick to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith, two copies of a Yellow Book just issued by the French foreign office on the affairs of Ethiopia.

I have, etc.,

Robert S. McCormick.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, respecting the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia.

France, Great Britain, and Italy having a common interest in the prevention of all disturbances in their respective territories in Ethiopia and on the lied Sea littoral, the Gulf of Aden, and the Indian Ocean, have agreed as follows:

1. The contracting Governments, having regard to the provisions of Articles VIII to XIII of the general act of Brussels of the 2d July, 1890, bind themselves to exercise a rigorous supervision over the importation of arms and ammunition:

The French Government at Jibuti and Obok, in the territories of French Somaliland.

The British Government in British Somaliland and the ports and territories of Zeila, Berbera, Aden, and Perim; and

The Italian Government in Erythrsea, Italian Somaliland, and more especially in the ports of Massawah and Assab.

2. Transmit permits for arms and ammunition destined for the Ethiopian government, recognized Ethiopian chiefs, and private persons in Ethiopia, will only be granted on a request to that effect formulated by the said government, indicating by name the persons authorized, the nature and quantity of arms and ammunition, and certifying that the said arms and ammunition are not intended for sale.

3. The three Governments engage to make joint representations to the Negus with a view to the prohibition, in accordance with the provisions of the general act of Brussels, of the traffic in arms and ammunition in Abyssinian territory.

4. As regards the supervision of dhows trading for arms from Jibuti, Aden, Perim, Zeila, Massawah, Assab, and other ports of those regions to points outside the zone of protection defined by the act of Brussels, measures will be taken to prevent them from smuggling.

5. While expressly maintaining the principles of French legislation in regard to the right of visit, and it being agreed that the British and Italian Governments maintain their principles in regard to this question, the French Government [Page 431] agrees that the measures of control exercised by the local authorities in British and Italian territorial waters over small British and Italian native merchant craft (dhows) should be also applicable in Italian and British territorial waters to dhows flying the French flag. The British and Italian Governments also agree that the measures of control exercised by the local authorities in French territorial waters over small French native merchant craft (dhows) shall also be applicable to dhows flying the British or Italian flags.

These measures shall be enforced without necessitating a recourse to the formalities laid down by the consular conventions in force between the three Governments.

6. In order to facilitate the supervision of native craft, and in order to prevent any wrongful use of the flag, the three Governments engage to communicate to each other every year a list of the dhows authorized to fly their respective flags.

7. The three Governments will further see that the dhow owners authorized to fly the French, British, or Italian flag shall show such plain marks on their craft as will permit of easy recognition at a distance.

8. The British, French, and Italian Governments agree to instruct their respective local authorities to concert amongst themselves as to the best means of carrying out the measures to be taken as the result of this agreement.

9. The present agreement shall hold good for a period of twelve years from the date of signature, and shall then remain in force for periods of three years, unless it is denounced six months before.

E. Grey.

Paul Cambon.

A. De San Giuliano.