File No. 585/20.

The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador .

Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to our recent informal conversations and those which you have had with Mr. Bacon, also, in regard to the gracious offer of the French Government of 30,000 francs as a personal indemnity to the family of the late Lieut. Clarence England, [Page 402] who was killed on the Chattanooga at Chefoo by a stray shot from a French vessel at anchor in the harbor, I have now the pleasure to express to you the great satisfaction it has afforded me to communicate your offer to the family of Lieutenant England, and to acquaint you with the acceptance of the sum mentioned by Mr. J. E. England, of Little Rock, Ark.

The friendly feeling shown by the French Government in this unfortunate matter is very deeply appreciated by this Government.

I am, etc.,

Elihu Root.