File No. 2540/87–89.

Minister Fox to the Secretary of State.

No. 121.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform the department that the arbitration tribunal with regard to the controversy between the Government of Ecuador and the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company was installed on Saturday, October 5, at 4 p.m. Upon official invitation extended to Dr. Cesar Borja, the arbitrator appointed by the President of Ecuador, and myself, we both met at the office of the minister for foreign relations in this capital and there presented our credentials, which were found to be in due form.

Minutes of the meeting were prepared and signed by Luis Felipe Carbo, minister for foreign relations; Cesar Borja, arbitrator on the part of Ecuador; Williams C. Fox, arbitrator on the part of the United States; and L. E. Bueno, undersecretary of state for foreign relations, who will act temporarily as secretary of the tribunal until such an official has been selected.

I am forwarding under separate cover a joint communicationa to the honorable Secretary of State signed by Doctor Borja and myself. A similar communication has been sent to the minister for foreign relations of Ecuador.

Under arrangement, agreed upon, the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company will be formally advised of the organization of the tribunal through the minister of public works of Ecuador.

I have, etc.,

Williams C. Fox.

[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

arbitration tribunal.

By the minutes, which we publish below, our readers will learn that the tribunal of arbitration which is to settle the controversies between the Government and the South Railway Company is already in the full exercise of its functions.

The tribunal is formed on the part of the United States by its minister plenipotentiary in Ecuador, his excellency Williams C. Fox, esq., an eminent citizen who has rendered important services to his country, who has attended as its representative the international congresses held at Mexico and Rio Janeiro, and who has long been chief of the International Bureau of American Republics.

His spirit tuned to the strictest principles of justice and the conscientious study he has made of the matters now submitted to his judgment are the surest pledge that his decision will be given in perfect justice to the rights of each of the contending parties. And respecting Doctor Borja, the arbitrator on the part of the Ecuadorian nation, what can we say that has not already been said to strengthen the confidence which all of us Ecuadorians repose in him?

Superior intelligence, undoubted patriotism, right judgment, firmness of character are qualities which heighten the personality of our compatriot, and which he will have to employ in the delicate and honorable charge the nation has committed to him.

For that reason we may rest tranquil in the assurance that his present labors will fully satisfy our aspirations and those of the Government that to-day rules the destinies of the country.

Let us wait.

[Page 391]
[Inclosure 2.]

arbitration tribunal—opening minutes.

In Quito, the capital of the Republic, and in the Department of State, on the 5th day of October of the year 1907, with the object of proceeding to organize the arbitration tribunal, which, according to article 27 of the contract made between the Government of Ecuador and the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, must settle the controversies or disagreements between the two contracting parties, there met together Their Excellencies Williams C. Fox, esq., envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of North America, arbitrator on the part of the Government of that nation, and Cesar Borja, arbitrator by that of Ecuador. Received by the minister for foreign affairs, the appointments and full powers of the arbitrators duly presented and found in due order, the arbitration tribunal was solemnly declared open. In sign of which the present minutes are signed by the minister of state, the arbitrators, and the undersecretary for foreign affairs.

L. F. Carbo.

César Borja.

Williams C. Fox.

L. E. Bueno.
  1. Not printed.