File No. 27/207–209.

Minister McCreery to the Secretary of State.

No. 46.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that a constituent convention has been convoked by the Congress to meet at Santiago de los Caballeros on the 20th proximo, and to amend the political constitution of the Dominican Republic in its articles 6 to 104, inclusive, and 107 to the last article.

I inclose copies and translations of the decree declaring the necessity for amending the constitution and the decree convoking the convention.

[Page 362]

The constitution of 1896, as changed and amended by the Congress in regular session, on June 14, 1907, was signed by the executive power on September 9, 1907, and published in the Official Gazette on September 11, 1907.

Among the changes appearing in the constitution of 1907, which is now in force, are: A new political division into provinces, communes, and districts; the abolition of the death penalty; obligatory and free primary instruction; a new judicial organization; simplified amendment or the laws; and the temporary solution of the electoral problem in article 112, as follows:

The present electoral colleges shall continue in office until November 1, 1908, upon which date the next general elections shall be proceeded with.

The present constitutional term shall end February 27, 1909. From that date the regular terms of four years shall be reckoned, beginning and ending on February 27. In case of special elections, whatever their date, the constitutional term shall be reckoned from the 27th of February nearest the election.

This article extended for several months the term of the President and deputies now in office. An amendment fixing February 27, 1908, instead of the same day in 1909, for the beginning of the next constitutional term will be considered by the convention. In case of its adoption, the elections will be held late in 1907 or early in 1908.

Under the constitution of 1896 the Congress had power to amend the constitution. Under the constitution of 1907 amendment can be effected only by a constituent convention convoked by the Congress.

I have, etc.,

Fenton R. McCreery.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Decree declaring the necessity for amending the political constitution of the State.

[From the Gaceta Oficial, September 21, 1907.]

The National Congress of the Republic, urgency declared and in accordance with article 105 of the constitution, decrees:

To hereby declare the necessity for the amendment of the political constitution of the State in the following points: The articles 6 and following to the 104th, inclusive; the articles 107 and following to the last article.

Given in the Palace of the National Congress on the 20th day of September, 1907; sixty-fourth year of independence and forty-fifth of the restoration.

The president: Ramon O. Lovaton.
The secretaries: A. Acevedo.
C. A. Nouel.

Let this be executed and communicated by the corresponding department, published throughout the territory of the Republic for its compliance.

The President of the Republic:
R. Caceres.

Countersigned: The minister of the interior and police,
Ml. Lamarche Garcia.

[Page 363]
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Decree convoking a constituent assembly.

[From the Gaceta Oficial, September 21, 1907.]

The National Congress in the name of the Republic, urgency declared, decrees:

  • First. To hereby convoke extraordinarily the electoral colleges to assemble in accordance with articles 80 and 107 of the constitution, in the capitals of the provinces, on the 20th day of October of this year, and to proceed to the election of the constituent assembly, which latter shall amend the political constitution of the State in its articles 6 and following to the 104th, inclusive; 107th and following to the last article.
  • Second. The constituent assembly shall meet on the 20th of November in the city of Santiago de los Cabelleros.
  • Third. In case any province is without representation in the constituent assembly, this latter shall fill the vacancy in accordance with the paragraph of article 18 of the constitution.
  • The qualifications required of a member of the constituent assembly are the same as those required of a deputy.
  • Fourth. The members of the constituent assembly during the sessions shall have the same salary as the Deputies to Congress and shall receive traveling expenses, as provided in the decree of the executive power of the 4th of June, 1904.
  • Fifth. The salaries and expenses of the constituent assembly shall be paid by the treasury department from the general revenue of the exchequer.

Let this be transmitted to the executive power for constitutional purposes.

Given in the Palace of the National Congress on the 20th day of September, 1907; sixty-fourth year of independence and forty-fifth of the restoration.

The president: Ramon O. Lovation.
The secretaries: A. Acevedo.
C. A. Nouel.

Let this be executed and communicated by the corresponding department, published throughout the territory of the Republic for its compliance.

The President of the Republic:
R. Caceres.

Countersigned: The minister of the interior and police.
Ml. Lamarche Garcia.