File No. 406/93–94.

The Third Assistant Secretary of State to Consul-General Denby.

No. 29.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 30, of the 25th ultimo, inclosing copies of a proclamation issued by the taotai for the protection of American trade-marks. A copy of the proclamation has been sent to the Department of the Interior for the information of the Commissioner of Patents.

It is noted in reading the proclamation that, while it purports to forbid the imitation of American goods and trade-marks in general, the last paragraph, which is the really vital part of the proclamation, forbids only the imitation of Standard Oil Company’s goods. While the taotai undoubtedly intended to forbid the infringement of all American trade-marks, he has failed to do so expressly, and it is the opinion of the department that it would be well to invite the attention of the taotai to that omission.

I am, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.