File No. 406/69–71.

The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Rockhill.

No. 343.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 642, of the 14th of June last, in further reference to the protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China, and stating the positions assumed by the ministers of Spain and Austria-Hungary with reference to the matter.

In reply, I have to inform you that a copy of your dispatch has been forwarded to the American minister at Madrid, with an expression of the hope that the Spanish minister at Peking will receive instructions in the sense indicated by you as desirable. The matter has also been described to the embassy at Vienna, a copy of Mr. Kuczynski’s note to you being inclosed, and the embassy instructed to bring the matter to attention of the foreign office.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.