File No. 774/47–48.
Chargé Eddy to the
Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Berlin,April 3,
No. 1142.]
Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 604, of
the 31st of January, 1907, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy
and a translation of a note dated the 28th of March, 1907, which I have
just received from the Imperial German ministry for foreign affairs on
the subject of the opium trade in eastern Asia. I have also the honor to
confirm herewith my cipher telegram of April 2, on the same subject,
which being deciphered should read as follows:a
I have, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Chargé Eddy.
In reply to the note of the 27th of February, 1907, the undersigned
has the honor to inform Mr. Spencer Eddy, chargé d’affaires of the
United States of America, that the Imperial Government is very
willing to accept the invitation of the United States to take part,
conjointly with the Governments of the United States, Great Britain,
France, Holland, China, and Japan, in a conference for the
investigation of the opium question and the opium trade in eastern
Asia. Further, if it should be deemed more practical, the Imperial
Government would be willing to appoint a commission to study the
opium question and to investigate proposals, or it would name a
commissioner to take part in a united action.
The undersigned, while desiring to be informed as to how the
proposals of the United States have been received by the other
powers, avails himself of this opportunity to renew to the chargé
d’affaires the assurance of his highest consideration.