Ambassador White to the Secretary of State.

No. 178.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the copy, with translation, of a letter which I have received from the president and secretary of the Alliance Israelite Universelle relative to the suggestion which I made at the Algeciras conference with respect to the better treatment of the Jews of Morocco.

I have, etc.,

Henry White.

The Alliance Israélite Universelle to Ambassador White.

Mr. Ambassador: The whole of the Jewish world is profoundly grateful to you for the motion (“vœu”) in favor of the Israelites of Morocco which you presented at the Algeciras conference. No one will be surprised that the initiative in this manifestation of tolerance and of lofty liberalism was taken by the delegate of the great country which receives with so magnificent a generosity the victims of religious persecutions and which has intervened, on many an occasion, to cause liberty of conscience and unrecognized rights of humanity to be respected. The Moroccan Israelites have been able, for many years past, to appreciate the value of the protection which the United States bestows upon them. Through you your noble country gives them a new and magnificent evidence of her precious benevolence.

The Alliance Israelite Universelle, which has occupied itself for nearly fifty years past with the uplifting of the Moroccan Israelites, has the honor to address to you in their behalf, in the name of the Israelites of the whole world, the expression of its most profound gratitude for the great service which you have just rendered to the cause of civilization and progress.

Pray accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurance of our profound respect.

  • N. Leven, President.
  • L. Bigart, Secretary.