Minister Leishman
to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Constantinople, February 27,
No. 1300.]
Sir: In reference to the new building which the
American College at Beirut desires to erect for a woman’s hospital, I
beg to inclose copy of correspondence with Doctor Bliss snowing that a
formal application has been filed with the Porte in the manner
prescribed in the Mytilene agreement.
I am in hopes of securing a satisfactory adjustment of this matter at an
early date; but in any case the legation will now be in a position to
follow up the matter in an official way through the foreign office, and
in the event of the Porte failing to take action in the matter within
the period fixed in the French settlement the legation will at least be
in a position to claim the right by default, as it has done in a similar
case at Cesarea and quite recently in the case of an industrial school
at Salonica.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Doctor Bliss to
Minister Leishman.
Constantinople, February 23, 1906.
My Dear Mr. Leishman: Before taking my
steamer this afternoon for Syria, I desire to record my appreciation
of the great courtesy with which you have received me during my stay
in Constantinople and of the warm interest you take in the welfare
of our college.
I am grateful for the efforts you are making to secure the permit to
build our woman’s hospital, and for the assurance that now a formal
application for the permit has been made through the legation under
the term of the Mytilene settlement, the building can not be delayed
at the longest beyond the limit of six months. As I filed the
application with the legation on February 21, and as I understand
the application is to be presented to the Government this week, we
shall expect to begin building by September 1, 1906, in accordance
with your instructions. Long before this, however, I hope we may be
able to begin, in the event of your being able to secure the permit
sought for by us through the Vali in Beirut.
I am gratified to learn from you that our consul-general at Beirut
has been instructed to notify the local authorities that His Majesty
the Sultan has granted to bona fide American institutions the
privileges accorded to the institutions of other nations.
Since coming to Constantinople I have learned that the medical
college (American) at Beirut is accorded full custom privilges, but
that other American institutions in Syria are obliged to pay on
deposit. It is in connection with this last item that I desire to
make in writing a brief statement: It is now
[Page 1384]
nearly three years that our
Government took the position that bona fide American institutions
were not to be put to any disadvantage as compared with similar
institutions of other countries. The fact that custom immunities are
not fully accorded to bona fide American institutions in Syria
constitutes such a disadvantage. The matter may be considered a
small inconvenience, but whether small or great it is a sufficient
indication that the Turkish Government is not treating, us as it is
treating other nations, and until this is changed and bona fide
American institutions in Syria (such as the college as a whole as
distinguished from its medical department, and such as the press)
are accorded custom immunities, it is very difficult—nay, it is
impossible—to believe that the Turkish Government recognizes in
principle or in practice the application of the terms of the
Mytilene settlement to American institutions. The very term “on
deposit” suggests that something is pending, whereas in the case of
bona fide institutions the matter is settled, according to the
assurances given our Government by the Turkish Government.
In reporting this discrimination against bona fide American
institutions in Syria, in accordance with the legation’s request to
report all such discriminations, I beg to express the hope that the
United States Government will take prompt measures to call the
attention of the Turkish Government to this prima facie evidence of
its invidious discrimination. On my arrival in Beirut, or very soon
after, I hope to be able to report to our trustees in America that
this discrimination has been removed, for until it has been removed
the crucial point in the whole school question would appear to have
been practically denied,
Again thanking you for all your kindness, and hoping to see you
before long in Beirut.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2.]
Minister Leishman to Doctor Bliss.
American Legation,
Constantinople, February 25, 1906.
My Dear Doctor Bliss: I have to acknowledge
the receipt of the letter which you addressed to me on the eve of
your departure, and I thank you very much for the kindly sentiments
expressed in same, which I assure you are fully reciprocated.
It is a duty as well as a pleasure to do all I can to further the
interests of the great American eductional institution over which
you have the honor to preside, and I can assure you that my efforts
will not be relaxed until all pending questions have been definitely
and satisfactorily settled.
The formal application for permission to erect a new building for the
proposed Jesup Hospital for Women has already been filed with the
Porte, and the legation will continue in its efforts to secure a
prompt and favorable decision.
As you are aware, every proper effort is being made with a view of
arriving at a satisfactory settlement with the Porte concerning the
questions of taxation, customs privileges for the Syrian missions,
transfer of titles into the names of the several institutions, etc.,
and if the mission board will promptly furnish the legation with the
desired information concerning character of institutions, proof of
ownership of property, etc., it will enable the legation to rob the
Porte of the only valid excuse for the long delay in putting its
numerous promises into practical execution.
Trusting that you enjoyed your return trip and found everything
progressing favorably at the college, with kindest regards and best
wishes for your continued success,
Very sincerely, yours,