Minister Leishman to the Secretary of State .

No. 1269.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 960 of December 23, 1905, on the subject of customs immunities for the American religious, educational, and charitable institutions in the Beirut consular district.

In reply I beg to inclose copy of recent correspondence exchanged with the consul-general at Beirut upon this subject, from which you will observe that the trouble complained of has been partially settled.

The arrangement effected is not as satisfactory as I had hoped to report, and certainly not commensurate with the amount of time and patience that has been expended upon this question, but it is a beginning, and as the Porte has substantially acknowledged our right in principle by recognizing the medical college as being entitled to the customs immunities, it is reasonable to suppose that the others will follow, and the fact that the customs authorities have been instructed to accept payment from other institutions on deposit, a privilege which has heretofore been refused, will greatly facilitate the efforts of the legation in securing the refunding of the money that may be found to have been improperly collected.

The greatest difficulty encountered has been on account of the dispute over the list which was furnished by the Presbyterian mission in Syria, the Porte claiming that quite a number of the schools included in the list as being American are really nothing more than native Protestant schools under the patronage of the American mission, and that a number of the schools mentioned have been closed for a number of years.

I have, etc., etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.
[Page 1379]
[Inclosure 1.]

Minister Leishman to Consul-General Bergholz .


Instructions allowing customs exemptions in favor of Beirut College mailed this week to director in Beirut under No. 693. Am urging Porte for more general orders in favor of all bona fide American institutions in Syria which are entitled to exemption. Insist that director allow American institutions other than college conditionally deposit custom duty, pending receipt of more general orders which the Porte has promised to forward.

[Inclosure 2.]

Minister Leishman to Consul-General Bergholz .


Telegraphic orders were sent yesterday to Director Customs Beirut instructing that official to accept customs dues on deposit until further notice.

[Inclosure 3.]

Consul-General Bergholz to Minister Leishman .


Instructions under No. 693 to director customs grants customs immunities to medical department of college only. Substance is as follows: “Inasmuch as the Sublime Porte sends annually a medical commission to examine the medical department of the American College, the Sublime Porte recognizes that department, and you are hereby authorized to allow said medical department the customs immunities.” Other departments of the college and the mission will pay duty on deposit.

[Inclosure 4.]

Consul-General Bergholz to Minister Leishman .

No. 41.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm your telegram of yesterday’s datea and my reply of to-day as follows:

Beirut, January 18, 1906.

American Minister, Constantinople:

College delighted and expresses hearty appreciation of your efforts. Will telegraph you on receipt of the instructions by director.


The college, as well as the mission, was overjoyed at learning of your successful efforts in obtaining a recognition of the customs immunities for the college, [Page 1380] withheld from the educational and religious establishments at Beirut since 1899, and the acting president, Rev. Daniel Bliss, begged me to convey to you his warmest thanks for, and appreciation of, your efforts in behalf of American institutions in Syria.

I shall not fail to carry out your instructions to insist that the director of customs permit the mission, and such bona fide American institutions as are under its direction, conditionally to deposit duty pending the receipt of more general orders, which, as you advise me, the Sublime Porte has promised to send the Nazir here.

I have, etc.,

Leo Bergholz.
[Inclosure 5.]

Consul-General Bergholz to Minister Leishman .

No. 42.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm your telegram of the 18th instant as follows:a

The receipt of the instructions is admitted by the director.

I need not tell you that the receipt of your two telegrams caused much rejoicing among the American colony, which is loud in expressing its great satisfaction at the recognition of these institutions by the Porte.

May I be permitted to add my congratulations upon the success which has crowned your efforts?

I have, etc.,

Leo Bergholz.
  1. Jan. 16, Supra.
  2. Jan. 17, Supra.