Minister Collier to the Secretary of State.

No. 72.]

Sir: I am to-day in receipt, from the ministry of state, of a note containing the official announcement that His Majesty the King of Spain has determined to contract marriage with Princess Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, and requesting that I notify my Government.

I have done so in a cable (which I hereby confirm), reading as follows:

Official announcement King’s engagement received to-day. Have expressed congratulations of the President.


I have already expressed the President’s congratulations in a note to the minister of state, a copy of which I inclose.

I have, etc.,

Wm. Miller Collier.

Minister Collier to the Spanish Minister of State.

No. 69.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note number 5, dated the 12th instant, informing me that His Majesty the King has determined to contract marriage with Her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg.

I have already cabled to my Government this very pleasing announcement, and I am directed by the President to express to His Majesty his most hearty and sincere congratulations and his best wishes for the prosperity, welfare, and happiness of His Majesty and his dynasty.

[Page 1344]

In asking your excellency to be the medium of conveyance of these expressions as well as of my own felicitations to His Majesty, I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate to your excellency the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.

Wm. Miller Collier.