The Russian Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State.
Magnolia, Mass., August 10, 1906.
Sir: In continuation of my note to the Secretary of State, dated March 16 last, I have the honor, by order of my Government, to advise the Department of State that, with a view to checking more effectively the unlawful importation of firearms and explosives into Russian ports in the Baltic, the Imperial Government has decided to extend to the flotilla of revenue cutters charged with surveillance and prevention of smuggling in Russian territorial waters the assistance of war ships of the imperial navy. There is nothing unusual in this cooperation, for which provision is made in the laws of the Empire. As to the instructions that have been issued to the officers of war [Page 1318] vessels to that effect, they are in every respect consistent with the provisions of the Russian customs law and the general rules of international maritime law.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,