The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Meyer.

No. 116.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 426,a of the 27th ultimo, transmitting a letter of L. O. Fassum, dated at Urmia, Persia, in which he asks for protection of the Nestorian Church against aggressions, and requesting instructions in the premises.

In reply I have to advise you that it does not appear that the American boards are in any way parties in interest in the matter.

If the conduct of the Russian monks is as alleged, it would follow that the Persian authorities are at fault in not protecting the Syrian [Page 1286] Church at Urmia from Russian aggression. It is therefore a matter between Persia as the protector of the church on the one hand and Russia on the other as responsible for the various trespasses committed by Russians in the territory of Persia.

Mr. Fassum seems to be in no way concerned unless it be as a voluntary agent, and his interference in the premises can not give him any claim for support or assistance from the American Government. If the American boards were concerned it might be different, but there is no foundation laid for the suggestion of a claim on their part.

Mr. Fassum’s object seems to be to persuade this Government to aid Persia in a controversy against Russia in which American interests are in no way involved. The mere mention of the claim carries with it a negative answer.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon.
  1. Not printed.