Ambassador Meyer to the Secretary of State.

No. 665.]

Sir: In confirming my cablegram of the 10th instant, sent en clair, as noted below, I beg to inclose copy of a letter dated October 11, from the American vice-consul in charge at Warsaw, relating to the general strike in Lodz.

Consul Warsaw telegraphs (quote) Lodz general strike owing execution five terrorists (quote).

I have, etc.,

G. v. L. Meyer.

The American Vice-Gonsal to Ambassador Meyer.

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my yesterday’s wire, running thus:

“Lodz general strike owing (to the) execution (of) five terrorists.”

The strike, which was extended to Zgierz and Pabjanice, in vicinity of Lodz, was of demonstrative character and is not likely to hold on.

I have, etc.,

Witold Fuchs.