Chargé Eddy to the Secretary of State.

No. 638.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm herewith my cablegram of yesterday,a and inclose herewith the text, in French, of the order in question.

I have, etc.,

Spencer Eddy,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.


The Messager Officiel publishes the following official communication: “His Majesty the Emperor, with the purpose of increasing the real estate of the peasants, ordered, on the 12th of August instant:

  • “I. The sale through the Peasants’ Real Estate Bank (a) of the leased crown lands not belonging to forest lots as fast as the leases expire; (b) of forest tracts surrounded by private lands; and (c) in the provinces of Arkhangelsk and of Vologda, of the forest tracts whose sale to the peasants shall be deemed practicable.
  • “II. Are excluded from the crown lands to be sold by the Peasants’ Real Estate Bank (a) the lots occupied by manufactories, industrial establishments, or mining installations; (b) the crown lots occupied as country residences and other expensive constructions, by gardens, nurseries, or representing made ground not conforming to the ordinary conditions of rural economy and (c) crown lands in Crimea, in Transcaucasus, and in the forest of Bielovjsk.
  • “III. The allotment among the peasants of the lands transferred to the Peasants’ Real Estate Bank, as well as the appraisement of each land lot, shall be made by the real estate organization commission created by the imperial ukase of March 4, with the participation of the Peasants.
  • “IV. The duty of drafting projects for the system to be followed in the transfer of the crown lands to the Peasants’ Bank in settling the accounts of the bank with the land office for the transferred lands, and in establishing the conditions under which these lands shall be sold to the peasants, in order that these conditions correspond with the means of the Peasants’ Bank, shall be intrusted to the minister of the court, who will consult the ministers of the interior and of finance, and with the director general of land organization and of agriculture, provided that such said projects shall be submitted in the near future to the high appreciation of His Majesty the Emperor.”

  1. Supra.