Chargé Bailey to the Acting Secretary of State.

No. 1173.]

Sir: Referring to the department’s cable of May 10 last, instructing me to express to the Nicaraguan Government the sympathy of the United States Government, etc., on account of the assassination of its minister of foreign affairs, Senor Adolfo Altamirano, I have the honor to transmit herewith (inclosure No. 1), for the information of the department, copy and translation of the Nicaraguan Government’s reply thereto.

With assurances of my highest consideration, etc.,

James G. Bailey.


I have had the honor to receive your attentive telegram which, by cable instructions received from your Government, expresses to this Republic its most profound sentiments in regard to the sad death of the minister of foreign relations, Sr. Don Adolfo Altamirano. I beg that you will be good enough to transmit to the Government of the United States our protests of the most sincere gratitude on the part of Nicaragua for its noble sentiments of sorrow, which constitute a lenitive for the intense grief that has been caused this Government, as well as the entire country, in the irreparable loss of one of its most illustrious sons.

J. R. Sevilla.