The Netherlands Minister to Secretary of State .

No. 258.]

Mr. Secretary of State: I have not failed to communicate in good time to my Government the contents of the note which your excellency was pleased to address to me under date of February 12, last (No. 68), in reply to the proposition of the Government of the Queen concerning an insane American, named Feddema, now an inmate of a state sanitarium at the expense of the Dutch department of the interior.

In reply to that note I have been instructed to inform your excellency that the minister of the interior, after acquainting himself with the above-mentioned communication from the Government of the United States, is of opinion that it is more simple and therefore advisable not to carry out the exchange of insane paupers, and that the Government of the Queen consequently withdraws the proposition dealt with in my note No. 724, of January 3 last.

Hereby complying with my instructions and appending hereto a statementa concerning the said insane Feddema, which I beg you kindly to forward to the proper authorities,

I embrace this opportunity, etc.,

Van Swinderen.
  1. Not printed.