Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.

No. 30.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 29, of this series and of to-day’s date, I have the honor to inform you that the minister of foreign affairs at Cettinje has asked me to inform him “if the Government of the United States is disposed to prohibit, upon a request from the Montenegrin Government, the admission to the United States of any Montenegrins presenting themselves without passports regularly viséed for the purpose of emigration to America.” In reply I have informed the minister that I am not in a position to give a positive answer to his question without instructions from you, but that I am confident that the American Government would not be willing to comply with his request, as it has always extended a welcome to persons likely to become desirable citizens, whether their emigration from their native country has been with the permission of the government thereof or not.

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.