Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.

No. 9.]

Sir: In continuance of my dispatch No. 6, of February 2, 1906, I have to inform the department that the following has been the disposition made of the five foreigners ordered to be deported: Katsch, Austrian, and Breneke, German, had their passages paid to some Colombian port by the Haitian Government, embarking on February 3, 1906, on the German S. S. Alene. In addition thereto the Government gave them a sum of money, amount unknown.

Marchard, Sinai, and Tomei, all French, refused to go to Colombia and were given asylum, on February 3, at the French legation, where they remained until to-day, when the first two embarked on the French steamer for Cuba, and the last named for Santo Domingo city.

Sinai and Tomei refused to accept any passage money from the Haitian Government, and only asked that they be paid their long-pending claims, which was refused, while Marchard was given $100 gold for passage and expenses.

I have, etc.,

H. W. Furniss.