Minister Lyon to the Secretary of State.

No. 165.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit a copy of a communication from the editor of the Detroit Informer, which is self-explanatory.

The “Detroit Informer.”

[Francis H. Warren, Editor and Manager.]

[The only representative colored journal in Michigan.]

Detroit, Mich., April 27, 1906.

Hon. Ernest Lyon,
Minister to Liberia,
West Africa.

My Dear Mr. Lyon. We understand that the Liberian Government has made, or is about to make, provision for the transportation of bona fide immigrants to the Hinterland of that country. Will you kindly transmit to me any information you may have upon the subject?

We have about 500 persons ready to emigrate to that portion of Liberia. Most of these can be self-sustaining for one year in that country, which ought to be ample to start them on a successful career in their new home, but it seems difficult for them to accumulate sufficient to pay for their passage at the same time. Anything you can do to aid our party in securing transportation will be greatly appreciated by them all.

I published in our Informer recently, and which you undoubtedly have received by this time, your address at the annual dinner in honor of the diplomatic corps by the President of Liberia last December, and congratulate you upon the sentiments contained therein.

Hoping for an early reply, believe me,

Yours, sincerely,

Francis H. Warren.

Upon the reception of this communication the attention of the Liberian minister of foreign affairs was called to it by us, and a copy of the letter furnished for his consideration, to which he made the following reply:

Republic of Liberia,
Department of State,
Monrovia, May 30, 1906.

Sir: I am directed by his excellency the secretary of state to say in reply to your communication of May 24 that the Liberian Government regret that in the absence of any plans previously prepared they are not at present able to give assistance to prospective immigrants.

I have the honor to be, sir,

Your obedient servant,

Edwin J. Barclay.

Mr. Secretary Ellis,
United States Legation, Monrovia.

We beg, for the further information of the Detroit Informer, to incorporate in this connection the joint resolution regulating immigrants’ expenses, passed by the last legislature.a

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We receive so many communications on the subject of emigration from different sections of the United States, that if it meets the approval of the department, we beg that a copy be not only sent to the Detroit Informer, Detroit, Mich., but that a copy be given out for others interested in the subject and the general information of the public.

I have, etc.,

Ernest Lyon.
  1. Supra.