Chargé Wilson to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Tokyo, January 3,
No. 364.]
Sir: I have the honor to bring to your notice
the education of Chinese in Japan, which is now on so large a scale as
to promise to have some effect upon the relations of these two peoples,
and also upon Chinese administration, now that the ancient official
examinations have been abolished in China and men of modern education
are beginning to be found in office.
During the past year Chinese students have come to this country in
continually increasing numbers. Last summer the number was estimated at
5,000., of whom 2,000 had been sent at the expense of the Chinese
Government. In November the number is said to have reached 8,000. In
addition to the supervision of the Chinese legation the students are
looked after by eight superintendents sent to reside here by their
Until recently the Japanese authorities seem to have done nothing in this
matter, but the magnitude of the number of Chinese students finally made
a certain degree of supervision on their part seem wise. Accordingly,
regulations for controlling schools open to the Chinese were promulgated
by the minister for education on November 2, to go into effect from the
1st instant.
These regulations require each student to present with his application
for admission to a school a letter of recommendation from the Chinese
minister, consul, or other representative. The public and private
schools which Chinese may attend are limited to those selected by the
Japanese Government after an investigation of the teaching staff,
curriculum, text-books, and buildings of each school. The regulations
are not applicable to elementary (childrens’) schools.
From among these schools allowed to admit Chinese, the Government will
especially select certain ones and will report them to the Chinese
Government as most suitable. The students of these chosen institutions
will be required to live in lodging houses approved by the authorities;
a careful detailed record of each student will be kept; students
expelled from one school will not be allowed to become scholars at
another; and an official of the ministry of education may be present at
and supervise the examinations of the Chinese students.
The publication of these regulations was greeted by a storm of protest.
Bodies of Chinese students passed indignant resolutions, saying that
their liberty was being assailed and seemed to find in the new rules an
indignity to their nationality. The restriction in choosing schools and
lodgings and the need of a letter of recommendation annoyed them most.
The agitation was so great that over a thousand students returned to
China; and no more have been coming since the trouble.
In the middle of December an official explanation from the department of
education was given currency through the schools and published in the
newspapers. The statement points out that the object of the regulations
is merely to protect the students themselves against attending inferior
schools, and to insure their living in respectable surroundings.
[Page 1073]
In view of the fact that the Chinese students in Japan are generally
young men of a very good class, it is surprising that this
misunderstanding went so far as it did. Apparently the trouble was
stirred up by a small group of agitators. As a phenomenon, it is
interesting as a minor manifestation of the new spirit that is now
observable among the Chinese people.
Since the governmental explanation, the trouble has to all appearances
ceased, and the education of Chinese in Japanese schools will doubtless
continue on an important scale. Some prominent educators interested in
the Chinese are now proposing to form an association of Chinese and
Japanese students, with the object of bringing about better
I have the honor to inclose a translation of the regulations in
I have, etc.,
regulations for controlling schools open to
the chinese.
[Official Gazette, November 2,
- I.
- Public or private schools desiring to admit the Chinese shall
require of the applicants to attach to their applications
recommendations of any Chinese representative in Japan. (The
phrase “Chinese representative” is a translation of the word
“kokwan,” which is intended by the authorities to mean the
legation, consulate, and other authorized representative in
- II.
- Public or private schools having the Chinese may allow them to
omit, at their own request, one or more courses in the
prescribed curriculum.
- III.
- Public or private schools open to the Chinese are required to
keep in the office the books containing the names of the
instructors and students, together with the record of the
latters’ attendance. Correspondence relating to the Chinese
students shall also be kept. In the students’ register mentioned
above shall be entered every student’s name, home address, age,
present address, school record prior to admittance to the
present school, the name of the Chinese representative
recommending him, government or private student, punishment or
reward, the date of admittance, transfer, or leaving, the date
of graduation, etc.
- IV.
- Public or private schools desiring to grant petitions of the
Chinese students to have their credits transferred or to leave,
shall require the petitioners to attach to their petitions
recommendations of any Chinese representative in Japan.
- V.
- Public or private schools open to the Chinese shall report to
the minister of education twice a year, namely, in January and
July, the number of the Chinese students admitted during the
preceding half year.
- VI.
- The Chinese students graduated or expelled shall be reported
within one month to the Chinese representative in Japan who has
recommended them. In case of dismissal the reason therefor shall
also be stated.
- VII.
- Those public or private schools open to the Chinese which the
minister of education may deem suitable for the purpose will be
specially selected and reported to the Chinese
- Those public or private schools which desire to be specially
selected, as stated in the previous article, shall apply to the
minister of education in the name of the principal or founder.
The applicants are required to report on the following points:
- 1.
- The history of the education of the Chinese in their
- 2.
- Regulations for educating the Chinese in their
- 3.
- A brief account of the life of the principal or chief
- 4.
- Names and qualifications of the instructors, together
with the statements of their preparation for teaching
and of the subject now taught.
- 5.
- The maximum number of students that can be admitted,
as well as the actual number of them.
- 6.
- The method of supervising the Chinese students outside
of the school.
- 7.
- The conditions of the Chinese students after their
- 8.
- The maps and diagrams of ground, buildings, and
dormitories used for the education of the
- 9.
- The expenses for running the school, also stating how
or by whom it is maintained.
- 10.
- The list of text-books, instruments, machinery, and
scientific specimens used in the school.
- IX.
- Public or private schools with the special license granted by
the minister of education shall supervise the Chinese students
by making them live in the dormitory or authorized boarding
- X.
- Public or private schools with the special license shall not
admit those Chinese students who have been expelled from other
schools on account of objectionable conduct.
- XI.
- The minister of education may, whenever he deems it necessary,
cause his subordinate official to be present at the
examinations, or examine the questions and answers of the same.
The official thus authorized may order alteration of the
questions or of the method of examination in case he should find
them unsuitable. The examination papers and students’ records
shall be kept in the office at least for five years.
- XII.
- Public or private schools with the special license shall
report to the minister of education on the work accomplished of
educating the Chinese within one month from the end of each
academic, year.
- The minister of education may annul the license whenever the
licensed schools violate any of these regulations or whenever
their work is unsatisfactory.
- XIV.
- The documents to be presented to the minister of education in
accordance with these requirements shall be first filed in the
office of the local governor.
- XV.
- All these provisions do not apply to elementary schools or
those resembling the same.
supplementary notice.
These regulations shall go into effect on January 1, 1906.