Ambassador Wright to the Secretary of State.

No. 61.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith translations of recent ordinances relating to licenses for the practice of medicine and dentistry in Japan.

I have, etc.,

Luke E. Wright.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

ordinance relating to licenses granted by the government in accordance with section 3, paragraph 1, article 1, of the law relating to the practice of medicine.

We hereby sanction the ordinance relating to licenses granted by the Government in accordance with section 3,a paragraph 1, of the law relating to the practice of medicine, and cause the same to be promulgated.

[Sign manual.]

[Privy seal.]

September, 11, 1906.

Kei Hara,
Minister of Home Affairs

imperial ordnance no. 244.

  • Article 1. The Government will grant licenses in accordance with section 3, paragraph 1, article 1, of the law relating to the practice of medicine to the following persons:
    Those who are nationals of such foreign countries as may be designated by the minister of home affairs, who have obtained a license to practice medicine in their respective countries, and who possess such qualifications as the minister of home affairs may deem satisfactory.
    Those subjects of this Empire who are in possession of the diplomas of such foreign medical colleges, or the licenses to practice medicine issued by such foreign governments as the minister of home affairs may designate, and whom the minister of home affairs may deem otherwise duly qualified.
  • Art. 2. The foreign countries which the minister of home affairs is to designate in accordance with section 1 of the preceding article shall be those countries which grant to the physicians of this Empire licenses to practice medicine without examination.
[Page 1069]
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

ordinance relating to licenses granted by the government to practice dentistry in accordance with section 3, article 1, of the law relating to the practice of dentistry.

We hereby sanction the ordinance relating to licenses granted by the Government to practice dentistry in accordance with section 3a, article 1, of the law relating to the practice of dentistry and cause the same to be promulgated.

[Sign manual.]

[Privy seal.]

Kei Hara,
Minister of Home Affairs.

imperial ordinance no. 245.

Licenses to be granted in accordance with section 3, article 1, of the law relating to the practice of dentistry shall be granted only to those who are in possession of diplomas of foreign dental colleges or licenses to practice dentistry issued by foreign governments, and whom the minister of home affairs may deem duly qualified.

  1. This section reads as follows: Graduates of foreign medical colleges, or those who have practiced medicine in foreign countries, who may satisfy the requirements determined by government order.
  2. This section reads as follows: Those who desire to practice dentistry shall have the following qualifications and apply for license to the minister of home affairs. (3) Graduates of foreign dental colleges or those who have practiced dentistry in foreign countries who may satisfy the requirements determined by government order.