Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.

No. 373.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a note addressed to me to-day by the Japanese minister for foreign affairs, announcing that the Japanese Government have decided to close their legation and consulate in Korea on the 1st of February next and to open the residency-general at Seoul and the residencies at the localities where the present consulates or their branch offices are situated; and that consequently after the date referred to all local affairs appertaining to the functions of foreign consuls, on account of which communications have hitherto been made at Seoul directly to the Korean Government, are to be communicated to the residency-general, while such matters as have hitherto been communicated by them to the Korean local authorities are to be referred to the residencies.

I have, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Chargé Wilson.

No. 41.]

Sir: I beg to inform you that whereas the affairs of the residency-general and residencies of this Empire in Korea have been provisionally transacted by the imperial legation and consulates in that country, the Imperial Government has decided to close the legation and consulates on the 1st of February next, and to open the residency-general at Seoul and the residencies at the localities, where the present consulates or their branch offices are situated, when the new functionaries will assume their duties in conformity with the agreements concluded between Japan and Korea as well as the regulations for the organization of residency-general and residencies, promulgated by the imperial ordinance No. 267 of the 20th day of the 12th month of last year; and that consequently after the date referred to all local affairs appertaining to the functions of foreign consuls, on account of which communications have hitherto been made at Seoul directly to the Korean Government, are to be communicated to [Page 1024] the residency-general, while such matters as have hitherto been communicated by them to the Korean local authorities are to be referred to the residencies.

Accept, etc.,

Kato Takaaki,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.