Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.
Tokyo, April 5, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of six telegrams, transmitting further contributions for famine relief, received from the department on the 17th, 23d, 25th, 28th, and 31st ultimo, in sums of $5,000, $50,000, $20,000, $5,000, $5,000, and $25,000, respectively. These messages are confirmed as inclosures herewith.
[Page 1002]Upon the receipt of each of these telegrams I have transmitted to the minister for foreign affairs, to be conveyed to the Japanese Eed Cross Association, subject to the conditions governing the previous similar remittances, checks for 10,050.25 yen, 100,502.51 yen, 20,100.50 yen, 10,050.25 yen, 10,050.25 yen, and 50,251.26 yen, being the proceeds, respectively, of my successive drafts, excepting that made on March 23 in consequence of the telegram of that date, which produced 40,201.01 yen. This was divided, according to your instruction, between the minister for foreign affairs and the treasurer of the foreign committee of relief at Sendai, the Rev. C. S. Davison. The report on the actual conditions prevailing in the famine district asked for in the telegram conveying this remittance is made the subject of a separate dispatch, No. 428 of to-day’s date.
I have received brief acknowledgments of all these contributions, the Japanese Government reserving for a later date a fuller acknowledgment and recognition of the generosity of the American people displayed in these gifts, and of the important part played by the Christian Herald in this work of charity.
There has been no loss by exchange on any of the drafts; the exact rates will be set forth in the final accounting.
I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a noticea which I sent to various newspapers on March 19 in pursuance of the instruction to give general publicity to the fact that the contribution came from the Christian Herald, contained in the department’s telegram above referred to, received on March 17. Items in this sense have appeared in all of the leading English and vernacular newspapers of Japan.
I have, etc.,
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