Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.
Tokyo, May 15, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to confirm the legation’s cipher telegram of the 3d instant and to acknowledge the receipt of your instructions by cable received on the 5th, as follows:
[Telegram sent May 3, 1906.]
Sec. State, Washington:
Am I authorized to acknowledge in writing that the President’s ratification of the copyright convention applies equally to the Japanese text, which is not included in our instrument of ratification, and that the texts have equal force? The ratification prepared by the Japanese Government covers both texts.
[Telegram received May 5, 1906.]
Am. Legation, Tokyo:
Copyright convention. You are authorized to make in writing statement in your telegram May 3. Would be well also to include statement in protocol of exchange. Department was unable to reproduce Japanese text and followed precedents.
Upon the receipt of the department’s instruction No. 173, of March 9, wherewith were transmitted the President’s ratification of the copyright convention of November 10, his authorization empowering me to effect the exchange of ratifications, and a form of protocol for such exchange, I at once informed the minister for foreign affairs that I was prepared to carry out the exchange of ratifications so soon as should be convenient to the Japanese Government.
The delay which followed was due to the treaty’s being still under consideration by the privy council; and finally a difficulty arose from the fact that the Japanese text was not ratified by the President. From the first discussions of this point it was apparent that the minister for foreign affairs would be satisfied with a formal assurance that the intention was the same as if the Japanese text had been included in the instrument of ratification.
It is only recently, as you are aware, that the Japanese Government has made treaties wherein the Japanese version is not a mere translation but an authoritative text.
The protocol, which I have the honor to forward herewith, was drawn up and signed on the 10th instant, when the exchange of ratifications took place, as was reported in the following telegram of that date:
Sec. State, Washington:
Tenth. Ratifications copyright convention exchanged to-day.
I have the honor to transmit under separate cover the instrument whereby the Emperor of Japan has ratified the convention.
I have, etc.,