Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, May 22, 1906.
Sir: I have to report that President Nord Alexis yesterday nominated Mr. Pauléus Sannon secretary of foreign relations, vice Mr. Murville Férère, resigned.
Mr. Sannon was born April 7, 1870, at Aux Cayes. He was educated in Haiti and Paris, having spent seven years at the latter place.
He is said to be an author of importance, his principal works being Haiti et le Régime Parlementaire, 1898; Boisrond-Tonnerre et son Temps, 1904; Essai Historique sur la Révolution de 1843, 1905.
The only public offices held by him have been chief of bureau of Aux Cayes custom-house from 1900 to 1905, and from that date until his nomination as secretary of foreign relations he was head official of the department of finance of the Jacmel district.
I have, etc.,