[Inclosure 1.]
Consular Agent Abegg to Minister Furniss.
Consular Service, United States of
Port de
Paix, January 31,
I profit by this opportunity to submit to your kind judgment the
following case which has lately come to my official notice.
The late Dr. J. R. Paradis, who died last October, has left certain
personal property and values which, in the absence of any heirs,
have been deposited in the office of a reliable foreign merchant
here. Doctor Paradis having been a citizen of Porto Rico, I have
several times been requested to take charge of the estate of the
deceased, which I have declined to do for the following reasons:
Before his death Mr. Paradis, in virtue of his American passport,
signed by the honorable Secretary of State, had applied to the
American legation for protection in a financial dispute between
himself and the Haitian Government, concerning the payment of titles
amounting to several thousand dollars. The legation informed Doctor
Paradis in June, 1905, that, according to a decision of the
Department of State, he could not be considered an American citizen,
having been absent from Porto Rico over thirty years.
The question arises now, Which consulate will have to take charge of
the estate? Mr. Paradis had been obliged to leave his native land,
Porto Rico, as a young man on account of political difficulties with
the Spanish Government, and has up to his death remained a citizen
of Porto Rico, inasmuch as he has not become a citizen of any other
I shall be very thankful to you if you will kindly give me your
appreciation of the case, and remain, sir,
Your most obedient servant,
C. Abegg,
American Consular Agent, Port de Paix,
[Inclosure 2.]
Minister Furniss to Consular Agent Abegg.
American Legation,
Port au
Prince, Haiti, February 20, 1906.
Sir: I regret that through an oversight
that portion of your letter of January 31, 1906, which referred to
the late Dr. J. R. Paradis has remained unanswered.
[Page 878]
In reply thereto I have to inform you that in view of the State
Department’s dispatch No. 693, of April 26, 1905, copy inclosed, I
shall have to rule that as American consular agent you have no
official right to take charge of the estate of the deceased.
The question as to who shall look after it will be a matter for the
Haitian courts.
Respectfully, yours,
H. W. Furniss,
American Minister.