Minister Sorsby to the Secretary of State.

No. 260.]

Sir: Referring to previous dispatches relative to religious liberty in Bolivia, I have the honor to report that on August 24 last the Bolivian Congress voted to reform Article II of the Political Constitution as per inclosed copy of congressional and executive decrees.

I have, etc.,

William B. Sorsby.
[Page 107]


Ismael Montes, Constitutional President of the Republic of Bolivia.

Whereas the National Congress has sanctioned the following law:

The National Congress decrees:

Article 1. Declaring the necessity of the reform of Article II of the Political Constitution of the State, consequently the constitutional law is sanctioned as follows:

“The State recognizes and sustains the Catholic, Roman Catholic religion, permitting the public exercise of every other religious worship.”

To be communicated to the Executive for the consequent constitutional purposes.

Valentin Abecia.

Isaac Aranibar.

José Carrasco,
Secretary of the Senate
Casto Rios.

Aurelio Gamarra. G.

Wherefore it is promulgated as a law of the Republic.

Ismael Montes.

Anibal Capriles,
Minister of Government and Public Works.