convention for the establishment of a central american pedagogical institute.
The Governments of the Republics of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador, recognizing the great importance and transcendency of inspiring in a spirit of Central Americanism, and uniformly develop it along the lines established by modern pedagogy; and being animated by the desire of putting into practice and effect such principle, have agreed to enter into a convention, and to this effect have appointed the following delegates: Costa Rica, His Excellency Licentiate Don Luis Anderson; Salvador, Their Excellencies Drs. Salvador Gallegos and Salvador Rodriguez Gonzales; Guatemala, Their Excellencies Dr. Francisco Anguiano and the Licentiate José Flamenco; Honduras, His Excellency Gen. Sotero Barahona; who after presentation of their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed to the following convention:
Article 1.
The Republics of Costa Rica, Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, prompted by the desire to establish a common educational system, essentially homogeneous, tending to effect the moral and intellectual unification of the sister countries, have agreed to establish at the expense of and for the benefit of all, a Pedagogical Institute, having departments for men and women, for the technical education of teachers. Costa Rica shall be the seat of such institute.
Article 2.
It is understood that as regards personnel of instructors, buildings, furniture, and scientific materials, the Pedagogical Institute of the four associated republics shall be on a level with the best of its kind.
Article 3.
The installation, organization, and financial administration, as well as the general control of the institute, devolves upon the Government of Costa Rica, but the other interested governments may, whenever deemed proper, appoint a delegate to the governing board of the institute. The Government of Costa Rica shall report annually to the other governments on the progress and conditions of the institute.
Article 4.
The personnel of instructors, as well as all laboratory, library, and other scientific materials, shall be selected in Europe by a competent person.
Article 5.
Each Republic is entitled to keep as many as one hundred normal school pupils in the Pedagogical Institute, fifty of each sex, but they shall never send less than twenty of each sex.
Article 6.
When the estimate is made of the extraordinary expenses of installation, including buildings, furniture, and scientific materials, as well as the expenses for bringing in the personnel of instructors, such estimate shall be transmitted [Page 866] to the interested governments, who will place at the disposal of Costa Rica their respective share in such expenses.
In view of the progressive extension and development of the Central American Pedagogical Institute, the Government of Costa Rica is authorized to construct special buildings, outside of the large centers of population, in healthy, cool places, appropriate for mental work.
Article 7.
Ordinary expenses for salaries, boarders, management, etc., shall be defrayed by Costa Rica at the beginning of each school year.
Article 8.
The pedagogical league herein agreed upon, which is the first step toward the unification of the systems of education, shall be in force for the term of twenty-five years, to be extended at the will of the high contracting parties.
Article 9.
The present convention shall be ratified by correspondence between the interested governments, and once ratified it shall become operative forthwith.
Article 10.
The Republic of Nicaragua shall be invited to become a party to this Central-American Pedagogical Union.