Minister Merry to the Secretary of State.
San José, Costa Rica, August 18, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the Government of Costa Rica, having in view the fourth article in the Marblehead treaty of peace which provides for the meeting of Commissioners from the Republics of Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras to celebrate a treaty of peace, amity, and commerce, within two months from July 20th, 1906, at this capital, has invited the delegates from the said Republics to meet at this city on Saturday, September 15th, the anniversary of Central American Independence. The Government of Costa Rica also invites the delegates to accept the hospitality of the Government while engaged in their official duties here. Arrangements will be made to treat these guests of the Republic with all the courtesy and attention possible. I am to-day in receipt of a telegram from the Government of El Salvador advising that the invitation from the Government of Costa Rico has been accepted and that the delegates from the Republic intend to leave Acajutla on the 2nd of September next on the Pacific Mail steamer for Puntarenas.
With assurances of my highest consideration, I remain, etc.,