Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.

No. 421.—Greek Series.]

Sir: Referring to Mr. Jackson’s dispatch of the 3d instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of the reply made by the Greek Government to the representations of the powers in regard to Greek outrages in Macedonia. The minister of foreign affairs states that even greater care than formerly will be taken to prevent Greek bands or arms or ammunition from crossing the Turkish frontier, and that any Greek officers who do so when on leave will be severely punished. He further promises that efforts will be made by the Greek consuls in Macedonia to persuade the Greek population to remain quiet and trust in the efforts of the powers to improve their situation. At the same time Mr. Skouses calls attention to the increased activity of the Bulgarian bands in Macedonia, and hopes that the powers will also address representations to that country.

In the meanwhile, in spite of the representation of the powers and the reply of the Greek Government, the state of Macedonia remains [Page 820] the same, with constant fights between the Greeks, Bulgarians, and Roumanians, and the papers of each country are filled with accounts of atrocities committed by the others.

I have, etc.,

Charles S. Wilson.

Reply of the Greek Government to the representations of the powers.

In reply to the communication of June 20, that the representatives of Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia have, by order of their Governments, addressed to the Royal Government, the minister of foreign affairs has the honor to inform them that the Royal Government, in order to give a new proof of its deference to the great powers, as well as of its own lively desire to second their work in Macedonia, has ordered the proper authorities to redouble their watchfulness in order to prevent the entry into Turkish territory of suspicious persons.

The frontier being a difficult one to watch, the task of the Royal Government is not so easy as is apparently believed, and the fact that a certain number of armed men have succeeded in getting across without being stopped by the Turkish guards shows that the Turkish Government finds the same difficulties in guarding its own frontiers as the Greek Government.

As witness of its good will, the Royal Government has also decided to recall the prefects of police of Larissa, Volo, Trikala, and Kalambaka, and to replace them by other officers. Also the most severe orders have been given to the authorities of the Kingdom to carry out strictly the terms of the royal decree of April 28, 1902, forbidding the exportation of arms and munitions.

The ministry of war, on its side, by a very severe circular, has ordered the military authorities to keep strict watch upon officers who obtain, and to report any case where such leave may have been improperly used (leading bands in Macedonia). Every offense of this sort will be most severely punished.

Although the Royal Government has many times used all its influence to calm the Greeks of Macedonia, who, after long years of suffering, have been forced to have recourse to arms to safeguard their lives and property, it will not fail, through its consuls, whose conduct has always been correct, to advise them in this sense, urging them to have full and entire confidence in the work of the great powers, in the constant and persevering work to improve their lot.

The minister of foreign affairs also believes it his duty to call the attention of the representatives of the great powers to the activity of the Bulgarian hands in Macedonia, whose activity has increased rather than decreased, as the tables of crimes committed against the Greeks during the first four months of this year, of which copies have been sent, show. Therefore the Government has the firm hope that the great powers will see that proper measures are taken to lessen the evils from which the Greek population of Macedonia has so long suffered.