Mr. Whitelaw Reid to Sir Edward Grey.

No. 4.]

Sir: The memorandum sent me on the 2d February, 1906, embodying the views of His Majesty’s Government on the propositions formulated by the Secretary of State of the United States as to the rights of American fishing vessels on the Newfoundland coast, in his letter to Sir Mortimer Durand of the 19th October, 1905, has had Mr. Root’s careful consideration.

He has now addressed me a letter, under date of the 30th June, 1906, giving the reasons which prevent his agreement with several of the views stated in this memorandum. I am instructed, while communicating to you these reasons, to ask for such action as shall prevent any interference upon any ground by the officers of the Newfoundland government with American fishermen when they go to exercise their treaty rights upon the Newfoundland coast during the approaching fishing season.

I beg to inclose herewith a copy of this letter from the Secretary of State of the United States.a

I have, etc.

Whitelaw Reid.
  1. Printed ante, p. 685.