The Secretary of State to Ambassador Tower.
Washington, March 22, 1906.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 896, of the 19th ultimo, relative, to the subject of payment of church taxes by non-German citizens and subjects resident in Germany. You state that you are called upon by the imperial ministry for foreign affairs to answer the question whether Prussian subjects are exempt from payment of church taxes when resident in the United States, and add that your understanding is that, as there is no state church in the United States, so there is no church tax imposed either by the Federal Government or the several state governments, and that consequently Prussian subjects residing within the United States are exempt from the payment of church taxes.
I confirm, in this connection, the department’s telegram of the 20th instant, reading as follows:
Answering your eight ninety-six. You are correct in your understanding.
I am, sir, etc.,