The German Ambassador to
the Secretary of State.
Imperial German Embassy,
Washington, February 26,
Dear Mr. Secretary: Permit me, in connection
with my statements of this morning, to inclose a memorandum explaining
the status of our new customs law. Could I ask you to be so kind as to
send me a short notice of the date on which the proclamation of the
President regarding section 3 of the Dingley tariff will be issued?
Believe me, Mr. Secretary, most sincerely, yours,
The bill has come before the Bundesrath, and will immediately be
submitted to the Emperor for signature. In the meantime the
Bundesrath has made use of the power conferred upon this body and
decided on Saturday last to grant, until further notice, to the
products of the United States the rates of the German conventional
tariff, without setting a term within the fixed time. As soon as the
act has received the signature of His Majesty it will be published,
together with the resolution of the Bundesrath.
imperial law bulletin. No. 11.
No. 3205.] Law
concerning the commercial relations with the United States of
America, of February 26, 1906.
We, William, by God’s grace German Emperor, King of Prussia, etc.,
hereby decree in the name of the Empire, after the consent has been
given of the Bundesrath and the Reichstag, and for the time after
February 28, 1906, the following:
The Bundesrath is hereby empowered to extend to the products of the
United States of America up to June 30, 1907, those tariff rates
which are granted to the following countries by the
following-mentioned treaties:
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Belgium of December 6, 891, dated June 22, 1904. (Imperial Law
Bulletin, 1905, p. 599.)
Suppemental treaty to the commercial, tariff, and shipping convention
with Italy of December 6, 1891, dated December 3, 1904. (Imperial
Law Bulletin, 905, p. 413.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Austria-Hungary of December 6, 1891, dated January 25, 1905.
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and shipping convention with
Russia of February 10, 1894, dated July 28, 1904. (Imperial Law
Bulletin, 1905, p. 35.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial, tariff, and shipping
convention with Roumania of October 21, 1893, dated October 8, 1904.
(Imperial Law Bulletin, 1905, p. 253.)
[Page 646]
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Switzerland of December 10, 1891, dated November 12, 1904. (Imperial
Law Bulletin, 1905, p. 319.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Servia of August 21, 1892, dated November 29, 1904.
This law goes into effect on the day of its promulgation.
Witness our own signature and the imperial seal which is affixed.
Given at Berlin,
in the Castle, February 26, 1906.
l. s.]
- Wilhelm.
- Prince von Bülow.
No. 3205.] Promulgation
regarding the commercial relations with the United States of
America, February 26, 1906.
On the basis of the foregoing law, the Bundesrath has resolved to
grant to the products of the United States of America until further
change is made those tariff rates which are granted to the
following-named countries by the following-mentioned treaties,
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Belgium of December 6, 1891, dated June 22, 1904. (Imperial Law
Bulletin, 1905, p. 599.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial, tariff, and shipping
convention with Italy of December 6, 1891, dated December 3, 1904.
(Imperial Law Bulletin, 1905, p. 413.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Austria-Hungary of December 6, 1891, dated January 25, 1905.
(Imperial Law Bulletin, 1906, p. 143.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and shipping convention with
Russia of February 10, 1894, dated July 28, 1904. (Imperial Law
Bulletin, 1905, p. 35.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial, tariff, and shipping
convention with Roumania of October 21, 1893, dated October 8, 1904.
(Imperial Law Bulletin, 1905, p. 253.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Switzerland of December 10, 1891, dated November 12, 1904. (Imperial
Law Bulletin, 1905, p. 319.)
Supplemental treaty to the commercial and tariff convention with
Servia of August 21, 1892, dated November 29, 1904. (Imperial Law
Bulletin, 1906, p. 319.)
Berlin, February 26,
Count von Posadowsky,
Imperial Chancellor.