Ambassador McCormick to the Secretary of State.

No. 117.]

Sir: Referring to Mr. Bacon’s No. 125, of March 5, directing me to acquaint the French Government with the intention of our Navy Department to have present at Annapolis on April 24, on the occasion of the formal removal of the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones, a naval force consisting of four battle ships and four cruisers, and to request the courtesy of an attendance at that place on said day of such French naval forces as it may deem convenient and desirable to send, I have now to inform the department that the French Government has gracefully yielded to the request.

I inclose herewith a copy and a translation of the note from Mr. Bourgeois giving this information, with the names of the vessels and their officers.

I have, etc.,

Robert S. McCormick.

Mr. Bourgeois to Ambassador McCormick.


Mr. Ambassador: On the 19th of this month your excellency was good enough to acquaint me with his Government’s desire to see the French navy represented at the ceremonies in connection with the transfer of the remains of Admiral Paul Jones, which are to take place at Annapolis on April 24 next.

I take much pleasure in informing your excellency that the Government of the Republic, which is happy to join in this ceremony, has decided to send to Annapolis, where it will arrive on April 20, a division of armed cruisers composed of La Marseillaise, Le Condé, and L’Amiral Aube.

This naval force will be placed under the orders of Rear-Admiral Campion.

La Marseillaise, bearing the rear-admiralty flag, is commanded by Captain Guepratte; there are 20 officers on board.

Le Condé is commanded by Captain Huguet and carries 17 officers.

L’Amiral Aube, commanded by Captain Lefèvre, has 20 officers.

Besides, the staff of Rear-Admiral Campion is composed of 5 officers, of which Commander Batellet is chief of staff.

La Marseillaise, Le Condé, and L’Amiral Aube are vessels of 10,014 tons each.

Accept, etc.,

Léon Bourgeois.