Minister Dawson to the Secretary of State.
Santo Domingo, June 9, 1906.
Sir: Referring to the subject of my No. 240 of April 18, 1906,a the desire of the foreign creditors for a distribution of the fund accumulated in New York, I have the honor to report that ever since the members of this Government, especially the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of finance, have shown a constantly increasing anxiety to try to reach a voluntary agreement with the creditors as to the proportions in which the trust fund should be divided among them, and even to attempt to make an arrangement fixing the capital amounts within the more important—or what would amount to the same thing—the amounts to be paid annually for interest and amortization.
[Page 564]Letters recently received from the Dominican minister resident at Washington have led them to believe that the present is peculiarly an opportune time to attempt such an arrangement, and that it ought to be made at Washington with the advantage of your advice and that of Doctor Hollander.
About ten days ago it was practically determined that the minister of finance should be sent to Washington on this mission, providing President Caceres upon his return should approve, and provided Señor Velasquez could get away in time to see you before your departure. He was also anxious to have the advice and friendly assistance of Doctor Hollander, whose abilities and extensive knowledge of the details of the numerous debts he greatly respects. He knew that you intended to leave for Brazil about July 1, and Doctor Hollander for Europe on the 14th instant.
President Caceres returned from the Cibao yesterday afternoon, and this morning the ministers for foreign affairs and finance told me that the latter would depart on his mission to-night, taking the Dominican gunboat Independencia for Puerto Plata, where he will catch the American mail steamer.
At their request I sent you the following telegram:
Santo Domingo, June 9, 1906.
Secretary of State, Washington:
* * * Minister of finance leaving for Washington, D. C., to-night to consult you and Hollander about an arrangement with creditors. It is very important that Hollander remain and assist.
I have, etc.,
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