Minister Dawson to the Secretary of State.

No. 211.]

Sir: Continuing the subject of my No. 203, of January 16, political events in this Republic, I have the honor to report that after the surrender of the Independencia on the 13th and 14th, General Barba refused to lay down his arms and kept up a desultory resistance until the 27th. On that day I received the following telegram from the acting consular agent at Sanchez:

Sanchez, January 27, 1906.

Dawson, Santo Domingo:

Barba surrendered. Peace reestablished.


I inclose herewith a copy of Mr. Leroux’s very complete report to me of the events at Sanchez and copies and translations of the preliminary and final agreements made in regard to the surrender of the Independencia.

On receiving word through me that Catrain was authorized by the Government to receive the Independencia she was delivered to him, and shortly thereafter Catrain went in the Nashville to San Juan. The Nashville had brought Arias down from Monte Christi meanwhile and took him also to San Juan.

Perez, however, determined to throw his lot in again with the Horacistas and remained at Sanchez, offering his services to the Government as represented by General Cabrera. The cabinet here distrusted him and his application for a commission was refused. Thereupon he enlisted as a private and is now at La Vega practically exercising a command.

In Monte Christi Province all resistance seems to have ceased on the 15th, when Arias fled on board an American man-of-war. On the 16th Navarro and Gulito Pichardo laid down their arms and returned to their homes. About the same time Neney Cepin and his band at Copey accepted the Government’s terms.

In the Barahona district, where news of events in the rest of the Republic is hard to get, two guerrilla bands remained under arms until lately. The Government sent the Independencia on the 25th to Petit Trou, a little port 30 miles south of Barahona. The insurrectionary [Page 552] band there promptly dispersed. At the same time the band which had been threatening Barahona from the northwest was attacked and defeated. The rebels surrendered on the usual guaranties of life and property on the 31st.

Early in January a few Jimenistas took up arms at Comenclador and Banica, frontier towns in the very center of the island. A plot was also formed at San Juan, a large town in Azua Province some 50 miles northwest of Azua city. The governor went up there with 125 men and encountered no resistance.

About the 22d some twenty men, under the leadership of Pedro Mota and Peguero, appeared near Hato Mayor, a town in Seybo Province situated midway between Samana Bay and the south coast. Some of them, at least, had come from Monte Christi on the Independencia and crossed to Savana la Mar, with the idea of making a plundering expedition in virgin territory where the Government was expecting no trouble. A few local malcontents joined them, and after entering Hato Mayor they turned west, threatening Bayaguana, a town in this province 30 miles northeast of here, and then came into the sparsely settled savanas near the coast. When last reported they were about 15 or 20 miles east-northeast in a region where effective pursuit is difficult. Peguero has been wounded, and day before yesterday Mota asked for terms of surrender.

This body, so far as I know—and my means of information are good—is the only one remaining under arms in the whole Republic.

Barba’s operations at Sanchez had some importance because he had at the beginning 200 men. The other bands which I have been describing were insignificant in numbers and were composed of professional guerrillas, who regarded the insurrection as a convenient pretext for robbing henroosts and cattle pastures, with the hope of worrying the Government into paying them to surrender as cheaper than chasing them.

The fact that fewer of such plundering bands were organized than during any previous insurrection is a gratifying indication that everywhere, even in the disorderly provinces on the Haitian frontier, the revolutionary classes are discouraged. The political leaders, knowing or thinking that by violence they can not get control of the Central Government, that control of provincial governments would not be decisive under the present arrangement, and that they can not get their hands on custom-houses, do not excite the local “jefes” and professional fighters to take up arms.

I have, etc., etc.,

T. C. Dawson.

Mr. Leroux to Minister Dawson.

Sir: I have the honor to report upon the recent events at this place, as far as they came under my observation from January 4 to this date.

The U. S. S. Newport was in port on January 4 and was joined by the U. S. S. Paducah and Eagle on that day.
Early in the forenoon of January 5 I received a telephone message from the United States consular agent at Samana stating that the gunboat Independencia was in the bay, and begging me to urge the senior officer present to [Page 553] send one of our gunboats to Samana at once. This I did, and very soon afterwards the Paducah and Newport were steaming toward Samana. The Clyde Line steamer Cherokee appeared in the bay and went to Samana soon after. The Independencia landed near Cabeza de Toro nearly 100 men, with several generals from Puerto Plata, including Fermen Perez and Barba, the latter in chief command. The Newport convoyed the Cherokee, upon her leaving Samana, to Sanchez. On the Cherokee were Carlos Ginebra, minister of war, and a numerous staff. Ammunition belonging to the Government was landed from the Cherokee both at Samana and Sanchez. Two lighters, carrying about 30 men, which had left Sanchez during the night of January 4 to 5 to reenforce Samana, were captured by the Independencia, the men were made prisoners, and later taken to Monte Christi.
On January 6, 1.50 p.m., rapid firing began and the water front near the wharf was soon in the possession of the attacking party. It was clear at once that they had gotten all around the town and to the westward; bullets were dropping into the water across the wharf and many flying through the square on which are the United States consulate and the custom-house. These two buildings were repeatedly struck, the former mostly on the roof, the latter on its western side. A rough sketch showing the surroundings is inclosed, marked “A.” At 2.05, seeing the imminent danger to which the consulate and customhouse was exposed, I hoisted the flag jack down, the signal previously agreed upon for the daytime, should I need protection for these places. The Eagle’s landing force promptly responded, and 23 men in charge of Ensign Brooks occupied the consulate. At one time, except for the fort, the attacking party was practically in possession of the town. Later on the Government forces which were concentrated in the fort came down and drove out the attacking forces. To show how close to the consulate all this took place I may say that one of the attacking generals, Sandoval, forced his way into the consulate, but retired when he saw the Eagle’s force in possession. No demonstration at any time on the part of this force was necessary, the moral effect of their presence being quite sufficient. I may add that at no time was any feeling shown or expressed regarding our occupation, both parties considering our claims to the consulate and custom-house quite natural and our protection to both as relieving an embarrassing situation for both of them. The good nature of both combatants can not be too highly commended. Probably the ammunition of the attacking force gave out, for the fire slackened as they withdrew about 2.40 p.m. The hospital steward of the Eagle came on shore and rendered valuable assistance. There were 38 wounded and 4 killed in this fight, all belonging to the town, and included among the wounded 2 women. The casualties among the attacking force could not be ascertained.
The Newport left the bay for San Pedro de Macoris early January 6. The Paducah remained at anchor until January 8, when she came here, and the Eagle went to Samana. A small force from the Paducah relieved the force from the Eagle at the consulate, but was entirely withdrawn on January 13.
On January 7 the Independencia left the bay for Monte Christi. She had not been able to procure coal, and her bunkers were nearly empty.
On January 9 before 8 o’clock a.m., Sanchez was again attacked from the northeast, but the defenders maintained their ground in the face of heavy firing for about a quarter of an hour. This day I paid my official visit to the U. S. S. Paducah, Commander A. G. Winterhalter, U. S. Navy, commanding, senior officer present in Samana Bay, was very cordially received, and on leaving saluted with 5 guns.
Five attacks at different times were made on Sanchez during the day of January 10, but all were successfully repulsed. In town 1 man was killed and 5 wounded during these attacks.
On January 12 the Independencia returned from Monte Christi and landed men, arms, and ammunition near Santa Capuza, where the insurgents now have their camp. The Seminole came in from Puerto Plata and left for San Pedro de Macoris. She landed arms and ammunition at Sanchez and Samana under the direction of Ginebra, who was returning on her to the capital. The Independencia had no coal, was burning logwood and lignum-vitae. At 1.28 p.m. I received from you the following telegram:

Santo Domingo, January 12, 1906,

American Consul, Sanchez:

“Morales here; has resigned; leaves country; all quiet.


I joined with Mr. A. M. Landias, consul for Cuba, and L. E. Boyrie, consular agent for France, in a conference on board the U. S. S. Paducah between Gen. Luis Maria Cabrera, in chief command of the Government troops, on the one hand, and the commander of the Independencia, Francisco Catrain, and Gen. Fermin Perez, on the other hand, in order to offer our good services in the interest of peace. In consideration of your telegram, and the facts that both Catrain and Perez regarded themselves not as opponents of the Government but as Moralistas, terms of surrender were soon verbally arranged, and were on the following day consummated by the formal articles, copy inclosed, marked “B.”
In the meanwhile, and as facilitating the progress of negotiations, I had received from you the following telegram:

Santo Domingo, January 13, 1906.

American Consul, Sanchez:

“Government will agree that Catrain and Perez may remain on American war ship until they take passage Seminole, Turks Island or New York. Consult American captain, whose aid I would appreciate.


On January 15, together with the consuls mentioned in paragraph 10, I visited the camp of General Barba at Arroyo Higuero to tender our good offices, as Barba was now the only disturbing element in Samana Bay.
On January 16, we met Barba, with his staff, on board the Paducah, but could accomplish no more for the subject of peace than obtain his assurance that his operations would conform to civilized usage. He would continue fighting.
On January 18, the Nashville having come in, I went in the Paducah’s steam launch and brought Barba and staff from camp for an interview with Commander W. I. Chambers. At the conclusion of this Barba returned on shore as unyielding as before. The same may be said of an interview on board the Scorpion, on January 21, between Barba and his commander, W. H. H. Southerland, senior officer present, commanding naval force in Santo Domingo waters. However, his followers were becoming discontented, several desertions had taken place, and supplies were said to be running short. A commission of two citizens of Sanchez next visited Barba on January 22 without result.
Several small attacks of minor importance have been made from day to day. General Cabrera has been able to resist them without trouble owing to the reenforcements he has obtained.
To-day negotiations with Barba through General Cabrera are looking to a peaceful issue. Barba has virtually agreed to surrender with 110 men, arms and ammunition, in consideration of being allowed to remain in the country peaceably with amnesty for all his followers. This is a most satisfactory conclusion, and there is no doubt whatever that the various conferences which have been held with him have done much to wear down his resistance. A further conference between Vasquez, Cabrera, and Barba in Santiago or Moca is to be held shortly, when terms will be definitely made. Until then there is suspension of hostilities, and from now on Samana Bay may look forward to an era of peace.
In concluding this account I must express to you and through you to the State Department my profound appreciation of the efficient aid rendered throughout all the trying days of this month by the vessels, crews, and officers of the United States Navy stationed here, but more especially by the senior officer present in Samana Bay and his good ship Paducah, without whom my effort at maintaining American dignity and the efforts of the consuls to procure peace would have been futile.

Very respectfully,

J. Enrique Leroux,
Acting American Consular Agent.


In the city of Sanchez, on the 13th of January, 1906, on board of the American cruiser Paducah, in the presence of the commander of said ship, of A. Marion Landais, Cuban consul and ad interim German consul, Luis E. de Boyrie, French consular agent, and J. Henry Leroux, in charge of the consular agency [Page 555] of the United States of America, who had asked of Fermin Perez and J. Catrain—the latter being the commander of cruiser Independencia—an interview with the purpose of seeing what could be done in favor of the population of Sanchez, of avoiding a repetition of fighting within said town and further effusion of blood if possible.

The said Catrain and Fermin Perez have declared that they desired that the consular corps in Sanchez, through J. Henry Leroux, should telegraph. Mr. Dawson, the minister of the United States to Santo Domingo, and that the commander of the American cruiser should telegraph to the American cruiser now in Puerto Plata the following: Asking in what conditions President Morales left them when he resigned his office, what those conditions were and what were the guarantees for them and the other people who accompany them; and if there were none agreed upon, what guarantees the Government of Santo Domingo is disposed to give. They desire that these guarantees should be sufficient and advantageous in order to prevent them to leave for abroad, and in case such being agreed upon they will deliver up the steamship Indpendencia with her armament and crew, seeing that President Morales, whose employees they had been, had resigned, and they did not wish to appear as revolutionists. If the conditions which the Government can make are acceptable to them, they will, on giving up the ship to the Dominican authorities, embark on an American ship of war, if the commander will permit them, in order to go out of the country on the first opportunity.

The further conditions in reference to the arrangement will be stipulated in our presence between Generals Catrain and Perez and a representative of the Government duly authorized.

In order to be able to reach an agreement with the Dominican authorities on board the American ship Paducah, we will try to obtain an armistice between the combatants until 6 o’clock in the afternoon, and afterwards we will see if it is possible to prolong it until receiving an answer to the telegram to Minister Dawson, stipulating the conditions of an agreement.

In faith whereof we have given this certificate, which we sign in six copies for a single effect, the parties agreeing to fulfill it.

Francisco Catrain.

Jose Fermin Perez.

Ar. Marion Landais.

A. G. Winterhalter.

J. Enrique Leroux.

L. E. de Boyrie.


In the city of Sanchez, on the 13th of January, 1906, on board the American cruiser Paducah, met the commander of said ship, A. Marion Landais, Cuban consul and ad interim German consul, Luis E. de Boyrie, French consular agent, J. Henry Leroux, in charge of the American consular agency, in this port, in whose presence there have agreed:

J. Fermin Perez and J. Catrain, of the one part, and on the other Luis Maria Cabrera, chief of the operations of the government forces and delegate of the same in the port of Sanchez, as follows:

1. Catrain and J. Fermin Perez, who are now on board the cruiser Independencia, declared that because Carlos P. Morales, whose employees they were, has resigned the office of President of the Republic, they did not wish to continue the movement they had begun, and do not desire to be considered as revolutionists, nor in fact to be revolutionists, and having few resources for being able to leave the country, agree to deliver up the cruiser Independencia, now anchored in this port, with all her accessories, armament, etc., and crew to Gen. Luis Maria Cabrera, and to leave the country by the first steamer which shall pass on her way abroad.

2. General Perez on his part agrees that at the same time as himself he will procure the surrender of all the officers and soldiers who are under his orders, and most of whom come from Puerto Plata, Monte Christi, and Seybo, providing that they be on board when the ship is delivered or that he can give them notice to effect their surrender within twenty-four hours after the delivery of the ship.

[Page 556]

Gen. Luis Maria Cabrera, on behalf of the Government and its representatives, agrees to deliver to the said Fermin Perez and Catrain the sum of $1,000 gold—that is, $500 gold to each of them—in order that they can take passage at the first opportunity.

This money will be deposited in the hands of the commander of the American war ship Paducah, or in those of the ship that may be in port, if he does not object to being the depository. In case he does not accept the deposit, it shall be placed in the hands of the persons whom the parties select, and shall be delivered to Perez and Catrain at the time of their embarking.

3. Likewise Gen. Luis Maria Cabrera, in his name and that of the Government, gives guarantees of life and liberty to Catrain, as well as to all the crew and employees of the ship Independencia, and the officers and soldiers who shall surrender with their arms within the time, and that they shall suffer no penalties for causes other than those treated of herein.

Gen. Luis Maria Cabrera agrees to put at liberty Juan Perez, who is now prisoner at Samana for political reasons, in order that he may leave the country with his brother Fermin.

Done in good faith and signed by the contracting parties, in six copies for a single effect, in our presence, and we sign as witnesses in the city and on the date as above.

Luis Maria Cabrera.

Jose Fermin Perez.

Francisco Catrain.

A. G. Winterhalter.

Ar. Marion Landais.

Luis E. de Boyrie.

J. Enrique Leroux.