Consul-General Steinhart to the Acting Secretary of State.
(Received September 13, 1906.)
President Palma, the Republic of Cuba, through me officially asks for American intervention because he can not prevent rebels from entering cities and burning property.
It is doubtful whether quorum when Congress assembles next Friday, tomorrow. President Palma has irrevocably resolved to resign and to deliver the government of Cuba to the representative [Page 478] whom the President of the United States will designate as soon as sufficient American troops are landed in Cuba. This act on the part of President Palma to save his country from complete anarchy, and imperative intervention come immediately. It may be necessary to land force of Denver to protect American property. Probably 8,000 insurgents outside Habana. Cienfuegos is also at the mercy of rebels. Three sugar plantations destroyed.
Foregoing all resolved in palace. Present: The President, the secretary of state, the secretary of war, and