Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

No. 315.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 136 of April 18 with reference to the mixed court at Shanghai, since which date the department has received my No. 254 of March 9, inclosing a copy of the joint note of the foreign representatives to Prince Ch’ing of March 5, together with a new draft, made after consideration of the Chinese counter amendments.

Up to the present time no reply has been received from the Chinese Government. I inclose herewith a copy of a note which I addressed to Prince Ch’ing on the 17th instant, calling his attention to the fact that two months have elapsed since his Government had received the new draft for its consideration and expressing a hope for an early reply.

I have the honor, etc.

W. W. Kockhill.

Mr. Rockhill to Prince Ch’ing.

Your Imperial Highness: On the 5th of March last a number of the diplomatic representatives, of which I was one, had the honor to send to your imperial highness a note inclosing a revised draft of the amendments deemed necessary to the proposed regulations for the mixed court at Shanghai.

The great importance of a settlement of the questions involved is so generally recognized that it is not necessary to insist on it again, but in view of the fact that over two months have gone by since the note to which I refer was sent your highness, I feel compelled to call your attention again to this matter, and to express the hope that, since the views of the viceroy of the Liang Kiang and the foreign representatives are now before you, the long-deferred arrangement will be made. Your imperial highness was pleased by your note of December 20, 1905, to inform us that the Imperial Government would promptly determine the question in conjunction with us as soon as it was in possession of these data. I entertain the hope, therefore, that you will favor me and my colleagues with an early reply to our note of March 5 last.

I avail myself, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.