Washington, January 8, 1906.
To the diplomatic representatives of the United States to Mexico and the Central and South American States.
Gentlemen: I have to inform you that the question whether it might be advisable for this Government to extend facilities for military [Page 3] training to officers in the military service of the Governments of Mexico and the Central and South American States has been favorably considered by the War Department, which informs me that, although it is impossible without special legislation to provide quarters and subsistence, it will be pleased to furnish instruction to six foreign officers at the Infantry and Cavalry School, at Fort Leavenworth; to four at the School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, at Fort Riley; and to four at the Army Medical School, at Washington, D. C.
You will communicate these facts to the Government to which you are accredited, and extend to it the invitation of this Government to avail itself of the opportunity thus afforded, stating that a limited number of officers can be furnished facilities for theoretical and practical training as indicated above. As the number of officers to whom these advantages can be offered is small, it may be well to intimate discreetly that the governments which first decide to avail themselves of them will be the ones most likely to secure them.
I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant,