
To the diplomatic officers of the United States in Mexico and Central and South America, and in Cuba, Haiti, and Dominican Republic.

Gentlemen: The department’s circular instruction of November 7, 1905, to the diplomatic officers transmitted an invitation in the name of the Government and people of the United States to the nations of the world to participate in an international naval, marine, and military celebration in 1907 at Hampton Roads in commemoration of the birth of the American nation, and at the same time instructed the diplomatic officers to extend all proper assistance to the accredited agents of the international exposition which is to be held at Jamestown contemporaneously with the naval and military celebration.

The management of this exposition has sent to the department an invitation to the Government to which you are respectively accredited to be represented thereat by suitable exhibts. An English translation is herewith inclosed for your files.

In compliance with the wishes of the exposition company, you may in its behalf deliver the invitation to His Excellency the President in the manner most agreeable to him. In doing so you will state that while, unlike the first-mentioned celebration, the exposition is a private enterprise and will not be under the auspices of the United States, Congress has recognized its importance by appropriating a large sum for this Government’s participation therein, and that an exhibit at the exposition of the industries and natural resources of the country of your residence would cause great pleasure to this Government as tending still further to promote the valued relations of friendship and commerce between the two countries.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

Elihu Root.

Note.—To be continued in Foreign Relations, 1907.