The Secretary of State to the Argentine minister.
Washington, March 15, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 13th instant, by which you inform me of the death on the preceding day of His Excellency Dr. Don Manuel Quintana, President of the Argentine Republic.
The sad intelligence of the death of President Quintana had previously reached us by means of a telegram from the American minister at Buenos Aires. The President at once directed Mr. Beaupré to express in his name to your Government and the afflicted family the condolence of the Government and people of the United States; and I beg you, Mr. Minister, to assure his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of my own sorrow at the loss which the Argentine Government and people have sustained in the death of this eminent statesman.
I have taken note of the further fact which you communicate to me, that His Excellency Don José F. Alcorta, vice-president of the Republic, has assumed the office of president, in accordance with the constitution, for the term which was to have been filled by the deceased Executive.
Accept, etc.,